Our Love Story

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feels Like the First Time

So, lemme just start this whole "adventure" by disclosing that I am, by no means, a creative, witty, or charming writer. However, I do have a bunch of random thoughts swirling around in my head that I think others might enjoy reading about... and, although Facebook and Twitter are out there to spill some of said thoughts out on, I feel like updating my status or tweets more than 2-3 times a day would be a bit much. I mean, come on, we all have friends that do that and, if you're anything like me, you may find it hard not to harshly judge them for their incessant life updates when you're face-to-face with them. And, don't even get me started on people who play games on the 'book and their "all time record setting" score for Bouncy Ball Central clutters up the schtuff that I really care about... like creeping on people's drunken pictures from the weekend or ever-changing relationship statuses. YaDig?

Another point of note, I have no plans for this blog. I have some blogs that I check in on every now and again that have specific themes: cooking, make-up or hair tricks, all about their pets... I would never be able to pick one thing to blog about. I think that's why I felt the urge to begin this in the first place. I have so stinkin' much random shizz just boiling in my head that I wanted to get out. If I felt obligated to the swarming fans (that are bound to be addicted to this blog) to post about only one thing, I feel like I would severely disappoint them... and myself. I mean, I think that's one of my favorite personality traits; I'm random. Damn it, I'm random and I'm proud! (In my head, when I pictured myself standing up in a room with an 'AA'-esque setting and proclaiming myself 'random' and the crowd cheering me on, that statement seemed much cooler.)

Any-hoos-it... Today is my first attempt of blogging. I just hope I can keep up with this better than I did feeding my Beta fish, Bella, in college... 

1 comment:

  1. Yay you made a blog too!!! :) AWESOME. I think mine is pretty random so I'm all about not having a theme. Really I think it's more fun that way :) Have fun and I can't wait to read more!
